Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Martha Stewart + the Simpsons + Coronation Street + Wheel of Fortune + Jeopardy = 3 hours a day on CBC that is spent airing non-Canadian non-relevant programming. It's Canadian tax money that goes to international productions which could be better spent here at home.

That's not to say those show are bad or that Canadians aren't interested in watching them. But couldn't the Corp fill those 3 hrs with something homemade? Isn't that the whole point? It seems to be working for TVO.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe watching a white collar criminal cook zuccini loaf with b-list celebs does contribute to Canadian culture. How else would transplanted Canadian comics know to make fun of Martha without paying for cable?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rogers phones at Rogers Centre

Some friends and I go to Jays games fairly often. We all (except for one guy who has a Telus phone) have terrible reception there. Despite the backstop promising Rogers' being the most reliable network in Canada, we never have any reception in the Rogers Centre (ironic no?). The wierd things is we all have full bars but can't make calls, send or receive texts, and 3G is more like 0G.

I emailed Rogers and they asked me to phone some other dept. to trouble shoot my handset. I replied that it wasn't my handset as at lease 5 different phones were having the same problem but they asked to phone someone else anyways.

I dont have time to chase down your problems Rogers. I'm trying to give you the heads up on a problem with your most reliable network. If you can't be bothered to fix it, don't expect me to. If a client contacts you with a problem with your service don't say, "I don't care call someone else." Do something. You call the repair service guy. It's your job, not mine. I tried to help you. But I'm not going to get a ladder and check your antennae.

New App "iEye"

I'm working on a new app for the iPhone.

Using GPS and the camera on your phone the iEye app will assist you in spotting pirates both in the open seas and around you local nieghbourhood.

Simply spy a suspected pirate through you're camera; enlarge and inhance the image with my special Imagin-Airy software and cross reference trough you GPS with a list of known pirates haunts. Make a positive ID and hear you phone yell "iEye" moments before it is taken from you by real pirates.

Become the subject of a real pirate shanty. Expiriece privateering like never before.

And watch for the virtual urinal "iPee" coming soon.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter

Apologies to all my fans who've so kindly written in asking where I've been and if I was alright.

Well yes I'm fine. I've just been too busy of late to spend much time blogging.

And I've had no real angry message to convey. It's hard to rant when things are good. But maybe a positive rant would be in order if there is such a thing.

Hip hip hooray for spring! Winters long tirrany is over. Work is steady. Everyone us healthy. I am happy.

Hmm, doesn't make for a great blog but there you have it.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Twitter Fiction

I've been posting a story to my twitter account over the past few days. One line at a time. I think it may be a first, I haven't heard of anyone else doing this kind of thing.

It's an interesting excercise in that delivering a story one or two lines at a time means that each line need to both move the story forward but also serve as a sort of mini cliff-hanger.

I'll see where it takes me but it is fun telling a story in a new format.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Twitter Concept

I have an idea to do a serialized Twitter story. Telling a story a few lines at a time.

Let's see if it works.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sienfeld vs Mickey

It's just occured to me that the cast of Sienfeld is the same as Mickey and his friends. Think about it:

Jerry = Mickey
Elaine = Minnie
George = Donald Duck
Kramer = Goofy

Not only do these characters resemble each other physically, but as personalities too. Their individual traits as well as their interactions are virtually the same.

Are Mickey and Minnie exs that can't move on? Why is the world working against George and Donald Duck? And Kramer and Goofy always slide into the scene with some half-cocked scheme that has fallen apart.

Anyone else notice it?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Candian Politics

Wouldn't it be great if the Canadian political scene was exciting?

Watching Barack Obama's inaugaration made me think that our system can be pretty lame. Who actually know anything about how Prime Ministers are sworn in.

What has Harper been up to lately? He doesn't want you to know. His office tries to kept his every move secret. Not because he's doing bad things, but because he's got nothing great to say.

Do our party leaders inspire us to greatness? Do they have a vision for Canada? Or are they just doing a job. Leaders must lead, excite, and help bring the best out of those they lead.

That's what made people like Kennedy and Trudeau great.

President Obama seems to have reignited this spirit in people. Can it happen again in Canada?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I can't figure Twtter out.

Marketing professionals and PR types claim it's a great tool. But if you look through it all you find marketing and PR people telling where they are, what they are eating, or what's on TV.

What's the point? Does that help accomplish anything?