Friday, December 12, 2008

Blank CDs & Downloading Music

I just heard the tax (surcharge) on blank media (CDs) in Canada was going up.

If that money is in fact going to artist to cover what they loose in "illegal" downloads then is it really illegal to download music? They're getting paid from my blank CD purchases. I should be allowed to download whatever I want to those "licensed CDs" and not worry about breaking the law. As long as I have all downloads on a CD I should be covered right?

Who's to say I don't have the legal right to download free tracks from the internet. You're paying for it through the blank media you buy regardless of what you actually store on it. Meaning if I buy a CD to store data, musicians get paid for the CD I bought even though no music is involved. Now it's the musicians ripping me off to store my excel spreadsheets. And every time I burn data to a new disc I'll think, "There's the musicians stealing from me again."

Where's the equality?

Why is their creativity worth more than mine in the eyes of the law?

Xmas Time

Merry Xmas everyone!

Things have been great. The LG is magical. I've never enjoyed a phone more.

However, the economy sucks. Anyone know a TV show that needs writers in Toronto? I'm your man!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Toronto taxes are out of control. Or Godfrey for Mayor

I just heard every car in Toronto will cost it's owner $60 a year. Another cheap money grab but the Miller group at city hall. Get rid of them. They charge us for garbage too. How rediculous. That's what municiple taxes are meant to cover.

Is the car tax meant to help roads? Then charge the 905ers $60.

I'm getting really tired of team "Miller time." Stop partying in city hall with your million dollar bathroom renos. If you need to pay for your city hall parties, don't tax me more. Get out of politics and work for a bank. They have money to burn and will gladly pay for "Miller time" parties; I WON'T!!!!!

Just a thought. Paul Godfrey, one of the nicest men I've met has just quit the Blue Jays (he, like myself, doesn't have time for losers.). Think about it: Godfrey for mayor.

I bet you that's why he quit. Let's wait and see if I'm right.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Daily Planet co-hosts are hard to find

Why is so hard for Discovery's "Daily Planet" to find a decent co-host?

I love the network (except Cash Cab - no idea why that's on Discovery). I can't understand why they never look at Canadians to co-host. They seem fixated on foriegn females.

Does the show have to be hosted by a male/female team? I'd gladly take the the cohost job.

And why always women with accents that aren't even Canadian residents? I'd be nice to see them hire locally, accent or not.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fido Customers: You Can Get the iPhone too!

Good news for Fido users!

Are you a Fido customer and want to get an iPhone?  Locked into a contract?

Good news!!

Although they haven't posted it anywhere, existing Fido costumers can can buy an iPhone without paying a cancellation fee on their current contract.  If you call customer service and ask them, they will (as of July 24th) waive the cancellation fee on your contract and charge you a $35 admin fee to start a new contract for the iPhone.  So you pay the same price as everyone else.

Not bad.  I think it's worth pointing out that at least one mobile company isn't screwing it's customers.

Well done Fido!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Great Article from the Globe

Here's a good overview of the iPhone fiasco from the Globe.

The Globe and Mail

Something big is here!

Well today's the day, and if you're one of the few lucky people not locked into a mobile phone contract you could go out and  buy yourself the iPhone... 

Unless you're boycotting Rogers because of their unfair pricing structures; or if you can't afford the iPhone; or if by the time you get to the store Rogers has already run out of it's limited stock (and claims victory because it has "sold out of iPhones on the first day"); or finally because like so many existing costumers, you are already locked into a contract and can't take advantage of the limited-time price-break on data plans.

What do you then?  Pay a cancellation fee on your existing plan so you can extend your contract with Rogers?  That doesn't make any sense.

That's the situation I've found myself in.  And to add to the frustration, every service rep I talk to, either on the phone or in person at the store, gives me a completely different story.

I've been told I shouldn't pay any cancellation fee, $180 to cancel and start a new contract, and $200 to start a new contract.

I've been told my renewal window starts in October then it was December. I was told to expect a call from a service rep over a week ago to fix the situation but no one has ever called.

And I still don't understand why I have to pay to cancel a contract when I'm actually looking to extend it.  If I add the $30/6GB data plan to my existing contract and sign on to continue both for 3 years why am I being charged up to $200 (or whatever Rogers decide the price is that day) to cancel a contract?  I'm not cancelling, I'm extending my contract.  And it's even worse when the $30 plan is only being offered for 6 weeks until the end of August.  If I wait till to renew at the end of my contract, I'll be forced to get a horribly overpriced data plan.

It doesn't seem like Rogers cares about it's existing costumers.  The focus at HQ must be to sign-up new clients and re-sign ones on expiring contracts.  I'm surprised they have no interest in keeping clients they already have.

I'm starting to think maybe I should just run out my contract and switch to Bell or Telus and sign on to their more reasonably priced data plans and get the Canadian-made Blackberry.

 I've just heard there is a $35 activation fee for the iPhone.  First I've heard of that.  Great, an other fee.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Don't Just Sit There, Do Something!

If you're not happy with the iddy-biddy data plans that are available for the iPhone in Canada you can do something about it.

Find out how you can take action on

At the very least sign here:

iPhone - just wait

Many people hope Rogers get burned with this whole iPhone debacle.

I hope Rogers does get burned.  But the only way for that to happen is for iPhone lovers to stay out of Rogers stores this Friday. If Canada is the only place where sales of the iPhone are poor Rogers will have egg all over it's face.

It's a waiting game. Because no one actually needs an iPhone this Friday, I encourage everyone to wait at least a week or two before buying and let Rogers make the next move.

Monday, July 7, 2008


How wonderful that the iPhone is making people think about their cell phone bills.

What I just emailed to Apple

Dear Apple,

I am writing to ensure that you are aware of the situation surrounding the release of the iPhone in Canada.

The sole supplier of the iPhone in Canada is first, asking every Canadian interested in the iPhone to sign a 3 year contract - way too long for a mobile agreement. What happens when a better iPhone is released? No one in Canada will able to buy it.

Second, not only are the data prices way too high, there isn't even an option for us to sign up for an unlimited data plan like there is in the US. What's an iPhone if you can't use the internet on it? Just another phone which isn't worth buying.

I wish we could get a plan here that came close to what AT&T offers in the US or something comparable to what the rest of the world is being offered. Unfortunately Canada isn't really seeing the release of the iPhone this month, we are just seeing the release of another phone with a bunch of unaffordable options.

If there's anything you can do to make the iPhone work the way it's meant to in Canada, there's a country-load of people that would love to use it.

In the keynote adress Steve Jobs promised the iPhone would be affordable. Well in Canada, it's mission failed for Apple.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 thinks I'm right - I think they're right has listed me as one their five main supporters.  

And so they should.  I think they're absolutely right in bringing to attention the way we are being held ransom by the telcom industry in this country.

I'm obviously talking about the iPhone's data rates for Canada.  Rogers-Fido's data rates for the iPhone are outrageous.  The iPhone is built to use the internet.  That's what it does.  Between iTunes downloads, Apps downloads, web Apps (those that only run online), GPS maps, and of course web browsing and email, the iPhone is a voracious data eating machine.  


Hey Ted!  

It's not a phone with some web stuff in it.  It's a web-based computer that fits in your pocket, with some phone stuff in it. 


That's the one thing I believe Rogers is missing the boat on here.  They seem to think that the iPhone is just a phone.  They are "just" people (see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium).  What they fail to understand is that it's the next generation in phone technology.  And in order to use it to it's fullest capacity it needs the internet, lots of internet.  To put it terms Rogers might understand, it's like buying a high-def TV and not subscribing to high-def TV - Kalitchnakoff looks squished.

I applaud  In particular check out their Facts page and find out what your $60 / 400MB plan actually buys you.  Rogers tells you 3,000 web pages?  Wait till your first bill comes in...

I'm not interested in picking on Rogers or Fido here, but if Bell can offer unlimited data for $10 on Samsung's Instinct phone, maybe Rogers need to rethink what they're doing.  

Please don't get me wrong.  I like Rogers.  I actually love Fido and there's no way I'm giving up that service but I really, really, would love to love the iPhone more.  The only way to love it though, is to use it - internet and all.  But if that's not going to happen because of high data rates then maybe the song was right.  If you love the iPhone, set it free.  Don't buy it this Friday and wait for to Rogers to wake up and drop the prices.

Unlimited data for $30!!! - or get a touch.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rogers-Fido iPhone data rate is rediculous

Don't buy the iPhone in Canada!

Data is what the iPhone is all about. Without a decently priced plan it's just another phone. Don't destroy the "Invention Of the Year" for Canadians. The iPhone is what it is because of what it does above and beyond mobile calls. If you can't use the extras freely there's no real point in getting an iPhone in the first place.

Find out what Rogers-Fido are really offering for the price:

Sign the petition here:

Watch the GlobalTV report:

Friday, January 4, 2008


I've been wondering all day...  Should I be Podcasting?  

I mean a lot of people do it.  Maybe too many.  So who cares if I do one?  Isn't there enough crap out there.  But then again you could say the same about this blog.  There are tons of inconsequential people right here on Blogger yapping about shit that really doesn't matter. At least I've got some interesting things to talk about.

My thinking was that Jay Leno, David Letterman, and all the late night greats do a monologue, and isn't that just a Podcast on TV?  What about serious journalists like Andy Rooney (60 Minutes) who does a televised "podcast" every week about shit no one in the world could possibly care about.  Thank god they don't give him the whole 60 minutes.

I think the time is right for the world's fist ever relevant and interesting podcast.  The "Levinecast," or the the "PodcOtis."  I'll work on the name.  

People invent things like Podcasts but no one knows what to do with them until one day someone finds a great use for it.  Like the lightbulb.  For years people had filament, but it wasn't until 2 Canadians invented the lightbulb (look it up!) and sold their patent to Edison that the invention of filament made any sense.

And that's precisely what I do - make sense.

Peace, Pax, Paix,

New Beginnings

Well it's that time of year where we all make New Year's resolutions.  So here mine.  To make it big in '08!

I've always dreamed of being on TV.  So I'm going to do it.  I know it can be hard, but I figure you've got to smart small even if you're dreaming big.

I've been told I need a demo so what I plan to do is make demos that showcase me and my on-air abilities and writing skills.

Look for me on Youtube.

Oh, and have a great '08!