has listed me as one their five main supporters.
And so they should. I think they're absolutely right in bringing to attention the way we are being held ransom by the telcom industry in this country.
I'm obviously talking about the iPhone's data rates for Canada. Rogers-Fido's data rates for the iPhone are outrageous. The iPhone is built to use the internet. That's what it does. Between iTunes downloads, Apps downloads, web Apps (those that only run online), GPS maps, and of course web browsing and email, the iPhone is a voracious data eating machine.
Hey Ted!
It's not a phone with some web stuff in it. It's a web-based computer that fits in your pocket, with some phone stuff in it.
That's the one thing I believe Rogers is missing the boat on here. They seem to think that the iPhone is just a phone. They are "just" people (see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium). What they fail to understand is that it's the next generation in phone technology. And in order to use it to it's fullest capacity it needs the internet, lots of internet. To put it terms Rogers might understand, it's like buying a high-def TV and not subscribing to high-def TV - Kalitchnakoff looks squished.
I applaud In particular check out their
Facts page and find out what your $60 / 400MB plan actually buys you. Rogers tells you 3,000 web pages? Wait till your first bill comes in...
I'm not interested in picking on Rogers or Fido here, but if Bell can offer unlimited data for $10 on Samsung's Instinct phone, maybe Rogers need to rethink what they're doing.
Please don't get me wrong. I like Rogers. I actually love Fido and there's no way I'm giving up that service but I really, really, would love to love the iPhone more. The only way to love it though, is to use it - internet and all. But if that's not going to happen because of high data rates then maybe the song was right. If you love the iPhone, set it free. Don't buy it this Friday and wait for to Rogers to wake up and drop the prices.
Unlimited data for $30!!! - or get a touch.